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 Amazing lines..

"Beauty has limited  Validity


Behaviour has lifetime Validity."

   Good morning dear  Readers,

 Today I read this amazing lines in message and share it with you..  Beauty has limited validity.. yeah it's true..  Check around you many beautiful girls and boys are there. But  they all are just for some moments to see. Many times I have seen many beautiful or handsome people has their own ego they do not talk with low people. They have their own class to talk to keep company.. the relation based on look remains for short time.. 

       On the contrary relation based on behaviour will last long.. your humble behaviour matters a  lot. Your smiling nature, give respect to all, humbleness, smartness, ready to help nature, stick to your words, cool and calm mind, good listener, fun loving, these kind of qualities make you best.. so if you have more than 3 to 4 qualities in you,  I must say you are good person. And I can guarantee you your relation with people and relatives and friends will last long.. your kind behaviour  win  everyone's heart easily.. 

Sometimes I make mistakes.. but my friends never ever realise me  and make me guilty for that..  In the same way I  also forget and forgive them for their mistakes.. So yeah it's  mutual understanding.. that's called kind behaviour. ❤️❤️

"somewhere I read if the relation is important for you then ignore mistakes and if mistakes are important for you then ignore the person.. "

Have an amazing weekend..enjoy  it..



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