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Food blogger

Food is  essential to survive on this earth.

To be foodie is a good thing. Food contains  varieties.

I am a good cook and also foodie. Thanks to my loving mom to teach me cooing. Under her guidance now I can cook well!!   I always like to experiment with food dishes. As I am gujju girl ,I love spicy, tangy, sweet and yummy food. Daily routine food makes dish boring. So i always like to give twist to a normal dish,also. Sometimes giving twist to a traditional dish makes dish  more tasty. As I am strictly vegetarian, I am not fonding of  non-veg dishes.

I like salty, sweet, sour, spicy and rarely bitter  taste of food. Dark chocolates  and dark coffee contain bitter taste. But its somehow mixture of sweetness and bitterness.

Perfect measurement of spices makes dish yummy. Sometimes experimental dish have unique taste.

Gujarati dishes are tangy and  mouth watering!!! There are tons of dishes in Gujarati food. Traditional dishes have their own  identity. Many sweet dishes made from  shuddh desi  ghee have mouth watering taste. Gujju food have different recipes for summer winter and monsoon. During winter people have sweets made of ghee and spices because in winter due to cold  body needs inner heat  and strength which people can gain via ghee and spices. Gundpak, Badampak, adadiya, talpak, chikki, salampak, anjirpak and many more gives strength to human body. In summer weather  becomes hot so body needs inner coldness so people have cold drinks and easy digestive food.  Mango contains all that what a human body needs. People have lots of dishes from raw and ripe mango. Most famous is mango pickle. In summer people make pickles from mango and other ingredients. Generally we feel lack of water in our body during summer so mostly juicy  fruits like watermelon exist in market and plenty of water we consume. Sugarcane juice is the most favourable during this season. In monsoon we  eat  hot bhajiyas made of besan and potato,onion with  spicy chatnies, spicy bhel, spicy bhungra potato, ganthiys which is most famous  as snack in Gujarat, n many more oily and spicy food  we consume.

Wel after all people earn money to fulfill his needs. And food is basic element to live. So change your tongue taste and  welcome to Gujarat. I am belonging to that country where food is considered as goddess annpurna!!! A foodie knows the value of taste!

Have a sweet and tangy life!


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