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Review of the webseries ASUR

Hello Dear Readers,

Its Sunday evening, with the daily updates of corona,I have started watching fabulous webseries ASUR. Really its a very interesting webseries one can see it in just one siitting. Its full of  suspense and turns and twists..

No doubt it also contains some scary scenes!! Specially  first episode. But i found an interesting story in it.  I can complete it in one sitting!!
Amazing casting!! Ashrad warsi,Anupriya,Riddhi Dongra,Barun Sobati played perfectly their roles.

New ideas,new technologies,new  tricks,Indian mythology, theory of Karma, emotions and many more spices added in this web series.

Its story about CBI officer who had once in a life took wrong decision n just because of that decision he suffers in present. It also shows some bitter fact of human life. Forensic officer who handle lots of cases couldnt recognise his wife's deadbody no doubt its burnt n in worst condition, villain plays his moves n all officers got stuck in his trap.. its about of showing the dark side of people,generally people have two sides, one which he shows n second which he hides. It gives lessons, in worst conditions of life dnt loose hope and give your best efforts to save your life. Fight the battle of life till your last breathe. It shows the deep pain of losing life partner, collapse after losing of child, losing of life, losing of respect and  reputation.

I like the role of Riddhi as Nusrat  what a perfect role! She was so sensible, dedicated to her work  n workoholic girl. Her role is perfectly written. If destiny give me a chance I would like to b just like her, cool, smart,quick-witted,good looking, loyal, perfect in all manner. Vigilance department always attract me!!! Forensic officer solve the cases  tactfully  is  super thrilling!!!!

I like also the role of anupriya as naina as a software engineer who can trace the location and detail information of  any field, can crack the password, can crack the government sites, hacking always remains my favourite subject.

Somehow i feel there is something missing in this webseries. Like incomplete story!!


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