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Death day

Life is uncertain..

No one can predict the exact day and  time of deathday or last day of life. (Nowadays astrologers or jyotishji r just for money actual jyotish I haven't seen in my life who predict 100%true r near to it)

Death is certain. There is a a proper date n time of last breath of all living beings. No one can stop the countdown of  death..

Generally its human tendency to make plan of tomorrow many times many people make plans of future like planning of vacation tour, youngsters make plan of further educational scopes, marriage n many incidents which may happen in future.

But god has his own plans. Many time it happens we make plans n god plays his  move of death. At last all becomes 0(zero), nothing.

When we know the bitter truth that death is certain then why people have fear of death? People plotting, make cunning move despite he knows that at the end he has to pay for what he had done. I have seen such a person who r strong  but on death bed anyone can see the fear of death in his eyes. On contrary, many people who led a very simple life  have no fear in his eyes,they have very peaceful death may be he knows that death is certain!!!

One story i remind, a person who was very rich, he earned lots of money for his future, he worked day and night just to collect lots of money. once his heath got deteriorate, yamraja came and asked him to come with him,that super rich person tried to bribe him with his money,but his wealth was useless to save his life. Yamraja denied  n took him with him at that time he thought wat i have done during life just make money n that money not worked to save my life!!! We all r doing the same. We chase after the money,wealth at the cost of our relationships,our happiness and at the end what we get?? Answer is very simple nothing, zero.

That's why I always believe live present moment, we have no control over past n future but we can  change our present by enjoying every moment. If you want to appreciate your near and dear ones do it now. If you want to give hug to your parents and want to say thank you do it now. If you want to confess your mistakes,sin do it now, If you  want to express your true feelings towards someone special do it now. Its high time to put your ego  aside n do what your hear say. Sometimes hear the voice of your heart,during the hustle bustle life we forget ourselves,too. Its the time only now, to do everything what you want. Because life is cruel, it doesn't give you second chance. 

Live in present moment..


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