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Relationships becomes complicated nowadays.

I remember those days when people wished best wishes on my birthday, face to face. Not on call or just a whatsapp msg!! Its a digital era. People have fast life. World becomes so small nowadays. One can say the whole world is in your palm now,but our personal life distance getting increasing. Nowadays parents have lots of money but they have no time for their children same viceversa.. Husband have no time for his wife and viceversa. Despite all this they never realise that whatever is happening is not going well!!!

Now I am just fed up with calls,whatsap messages wishes or talks. I like to build eye to eye contacts. No we cannot come to conclusion about the goodness of the person.But with real connection no one can ignore or make fool us. Text messages may be irritating specially for long chat. Long telephonic talk may be sometimes irritating, you. But the impact of personal meeting is create perfect relationship.

I always like people talk with me personaly. I dont like to accept whatsapp wishes. Real is real.. We can feel the different kind of feelings like anger,happiness, enthousiast,flattering,sadness only in personal touch. Many people just show off happinessn towards others,at that time we get to know the true face of that person, only personal talk. Peole can't hide real emotion on their face(rare people can also hide true feeling!!).

Personally I always believe one should be real with relatives,friends and family. No doubt to achieve success one may flatter or become cold minded person. But with true bonds one should not hide anger or hapiness, one should express his feelings. Kabni kabhi emotions ko behne bhi dena chahiye!!!

Be real with true bonds. Relations are very very delicate. A little misunderstanding can ruin a beautiful relation. Be polite, be loyal, be honest in anykind of relationship. Give your valuable time to maintain it.. A little care essential to a perfect relationship..


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